General Building Construction
Presenting contemporary language architectural solutions in various styles and types, of high spatial and aesthetic quality. Customized single or two-family dwelling solutions, in line with the highest standards of quality and demand.
Constructing under the TURNKEY concept provides its clients with comprehensive solutions, from project design to its construction, either in new premises or in rehabilitation. The purpose of such concept is to simplify the whole process, exempting clients from the most bureaucratic and complex stages, while at the same time promoting their full involvement in design and construction. Together, we develop a project adapted to each client's needs.
Should you already have a design, Ribertec can be your partner in assessing you with the necessary support to achieve your goals.
The process initiates with obtaining the authorizations and licenses required, setting up the building site that supports the project, implantation on the ground, structure construction, ornaments, technical installations, all the way to the final finishing works.

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